Lab: Understanding Docker Images and Layers


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  • Understand what Docker images and layers are
  • Learn how to create and inspect Docker images using Dockerfile
  • Explore the concept of layers using Docker commands

Key Concepts

What is a Docker Image?

  • A Docker image is a blueprint/template used to create Docker containers
  • It is static and stored as layers
  • Think of it like a recipe: the instructions (layers) define how the image works

What is a Docker Layer?

  • A layer is a set of instructions in the Dockerfile
  • Each command in a Dockerfile adds a layer to the image
  • Layers make Docker images efficient by reusing unchanged layers


Image Credit:

Hands on Lab

Create a Docker image for running curl

  • Create a new folder for the project:

    cd /workspaces/ecr_eks_security_masterclass_public/
    mkdir docker-lab && cd /workspaces/ecr_eks_security_masterclass_public/docker-lab
  • Create a Dockerfile:

    cat << EOF > Dockerfile
    # Start with a minimal Alpine Linux image
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Install curl
    RUN apk update && apk add curl
    # Set default command
    CMD ["curl", "--help"]
  • Build the Docker image with a tag:

    docker build -t mycurl .
  • Verify the image is created:

    docker images

Inspect Layers in the Docker Image

  • Check the layers of your image:

    docker history mycurl
  • Notice how each instruction in the Dockerfile corresponds to a layer

  • Run the container using the image:

    docker run mycurl

Modify and Rebuild the Dockerfile

  • Change the default command to print the version of curl

  • Open the Dockerfile:

    cat << EOF > Dockerfile
    # Start with a minimal Alpine Linux image
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Install curl
    RUN apk update && apk add curl
    # Set default command
    CMD ["curl", "--version"]
  • Rebuild the image:

    docker build -t mycurl .

Reuse Layers for Efficiency

  • Check the image build logs:

    docker build -t mycurl .
  • Observe which steps were reused.

  • Run the curl command via docker.

    docker run mycurl

Explore Image Layers with Dive Tool (Optional)

  • Install Dive:

    sudo apt install ./dive_0.12.0_linux_amd64.deb
  • Analyze the image:

    dive mycurl
  • Explore the layers and their sizes.

  • Use inspect to retrieve metadata and configuration details about the mycurl image.

     docker inspect mycurl

Push the Image to Docker Hub (Optional)

  • Log in to docker Hub.

You will be prompted to enter your Docker Hub username and password.

docker login
  • Tag the image:

    docker tag mycurl <your-dockerhub-username>/mycurl:1.0
  • Push the image:

    docker push <your-dockerhub-username>/mycurl:1.0


  • Docker images consist of layers, with each layer representing a command in the Dockerfile
  • Layers enable efficiency by caching unchanged parts of the image
  • Tools like Dive help visualize layers for better understanding


  • Modify the Dockerfile to install and run a different tool (e.g., htop)
  • Inspect and explore the layers of your new image using docker history and dive