Lab: Docker Secrets

What Are Docker Secrets?

  • Docker secrets securely store sensitive information like passwords, API keys, or certificates.
  • They allow secure access to secrets in running containers without hardcoding sensitive data into the container or its configuration.

Hands on Lab

  • Change the directory to working directory.

    cd /workspaces/ecr_eks_security_masterclass_public/docker-lab
  • Docker Swarm mode must be initialized. Run the following to initialize if not already done.

    docker swarm init
  • Create a file with a secret value.

    echo "mySuperSecretPassword123" > secret.txt
    • This file contains the secret that will be securely stored in Docker.
  • Add this file as a Docker secret.

    docker secret create my_secret secret.txt
    • Replace my_secret with your chosen name for the secret.
    • You should see a confirmation message showing the secret’s ID.
  • List all secrets in your Docker Swarm to verify.

    docker secret ls

Note that the secret content is not visible, ensuring secure handling.

  • Create a service that uses the secret.
    docker service create --name secret_service --secret my_secret alpine sleep 300

This command creates a service called secret_service that uses the my_secret secret.

The container runs alpine and sleeps for 300 seconds, giving time to inspect it.

  • Verify the service is running.

    docker service ls
  • Get the container ID of the service.

    docker ps -q --filter "name=secret_service"
  • Enter the container’s shell.

    docker exec -it $(docker ps -q --filter "name=secret_service") cat /run/secrets/my_secret

The secret content should be displayed securely inside the container.


  • Remove the service

    docker service rm secret_service
  • Remove the secret.

    docker secret rm my_secret
  • Delete the temporary secret file from your system:

    rm secret.txt